Astrology and psychology are both systems for understanding human nature and personalities. Astrology is based on millennia of study of celestial objects and draws connections between cosmic occurrences and human affairs. Psychology is based on the scientific study of behavior and cognition. Learn more about the relation between the disciplines of astrology and psychology.

Astrology Is An Example Of Pseudo-Psychology

Astrology attributes characteristics to individuals based on the position of constellations and planets in the sky relative to Earth. This system accounts for inborn traits through birth or natal charts and interprets the influence of planetary transits on terrestrial events.

As an early system for assigning meaning to personalities, astrology can be considered a form of pseudo-psychology. Astrology originated in Mesopotamia during the 3rd century B.C., whereas the formalized field of psychology only emerged about 169 years ago in the mid-nineteenth century.

Psychology is a science based on observation and quantitative studies with replicable results. Astrology is a qualitative pseudoscience, which may hold meaning, but cannot be externally measured or verified. While some insights that emerge in psychic readings for Leo and psychological analysis could overlap, astrology and psychology are based on different principles.

Both Can Help Us Understand Our Inner Selves & Purpose

Astrology and psychology can both be helpful for gaining meaningful understanding about personal identity and values. Regardless of whether an individual believes in the validity of these systems, both offer frameworks for understanding human behavior on the individual and societal levels.

The frames of reference for astrology and psychology indicate some key differences between these systems. Astrology attempts to bring cosmic occurrences to bear on lived human experience. Psychology explains the human mind based on studies of behavior, cognitive science and neuroscience.

These systems are related in a number of ways. Psychological studies that have sought to measure the effectiveness of psychic channeling have been inconclusive. Proponents of astrology and psychic energy usually hold that the scientific mindset is not necessarily compatible with the more subtle energetic or spiritual basis of divinatory practices. Assigning meaning to these practices is a matter of belief.

When To Turn To Astrology or Psychology

Individuals who take a transcendental approach to human experience are often interested in astrology or extrasensory abilities. A clairaudient psychic reading does not have to be scientifically valid to have meaning. There are certain circumstances, such as mental health crises, in which astrology is not a viable alternative to psychology.

People experiencing personal crises may need to seek out psychological help. Even if the challenges an individual is facing do not call for medical intervention, he or she could still benefit from psychological counseling. In non-emergency situations, one system does not necessarily preclude the other. It is possible to meaningfully combine astrology and psychology.

A state of mental well-being enables people to consider and process the wide range of insights that astrology can offer. As long as individuals acknowledge the scientific basis for psychology and the subjective basis of astrology, a holistic approach can provide the best of both worlds.

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