If you are acting the way your parents, spouse, friends, relatives or anyone else wants you to act; you are not being true to yourself.

You may even act like a celebrity, having an entire inventory of earrings, a closet full of clothing and a room full of shoes, all so you can imitate someone else, someone you don’t really know.

But the truth is, being yourself is the only way to live a true life. To be truly happy with yourself.  

Here are 9 awesome ways to really be yourself.

  1. Listen to Your Heart

If you know you are not being true to yourself, if you are acting a certain way to please someone else, then you need to stop. Stop Now. You will lose yourself in the pursuit of making others happy. Make yourself happy and allow others to find their own path.

The saying, “What others think of me is none of my business,” is a universal truth. When you keep this in mind, you are able to follow your own path, your own dreams and become the person you were meant to be.

  1. Practice Gratitude

So you don’t have a fancy car or the latest cell phone. You have a reliable used car and a phone that you are ashamed to show in public. But you have these things. Be happy and grateful for what you do have. The more you practice gratitude, the better you will see your life really is and that will take you to a happier existence.

Your happiness is not dependent on things, but on experiences and the self-love, you create in your world. Sure, you want others to like and love you, but how can they when you are not true to yourself?

  1. Let Go of The Past

This is often extremely hard to do. We spend so much time trying to relive the past in order to make the results come out differently. But there is no amount of “magic thinking” that will ever change the past.

Learn to accept your mistakes and faults, and then try not to repeat them. Stop wasting your time reliving the past because it will never change. Never. The only thing you can change is right now and the way you think about what has passed. There is a reason the front windshield is larger than the back window in a car. You are moving forward, not backwards.

  1. Your Life Is Yours

You can only live the life you have, no one can live it for you, nor should you want someone else to live your life. Make your life the best it can be because you are only getting one change at it. Life is not a dress rehearsal; you will never be this age, in this spot ever again.

  1. Say “No” More Often

This may be challenging at times, but you will feel better about yourself when you say “no” to others more often. When you want to please everyone, and you want everyone to like you – which will never happen – you say yes to things you don’t really want to do.

Practice taking a deep breath after someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do. Tell them you have to think about it, and you will text or email them an answer later. That is an easy way to find the courage to say no. Besides, it is easier to say “no” in writing.

  1. Forgive People

This is probably the most difficult action to take on the path to becoming an awesome person. Forgiveness is accepting the “I’m Sorry” you will never hear from the person that wronged you.

Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves to help let go of what or who has hurt us. When you hang on to anger and hurt, it is like drinking a small vial of poison and waiting for the other person to die. They will never know how much they hurt you or how badly it is eating you up inside. And that is exactly what it is doing, eating you up. Just let it go.

  1. Forgive Yourself

You must also forgive yourself. So you did something stupid, so you made mistakes. Get over it; everyone makes mistakes and does stupid things. You don’t have a monopoly on bad behavior and mistakes. Look at politicians and celebrities and how many times they mess up and have been forgiven. Act like what you did was part of the local news cycle: here today, forgotten tomorrow.

  1. Lighten Up

Start enjoying life. Make time to fly a kite, eat that extra cookie or doughnut, be silly and let your inner child free. It’s worth repeating, you only have one life, so live it and you might as well enjoy it.

Watch more comedy movies than dramas if you watch television. Learn a fun new hobby, go to clown school – seriously, it sounds fun! Then go out and share your new-found talents with others.

Additionally, helping others will make you feel better about yourself and your path in life.

  1. Be Kind to Yourself

Think about it. You treat everyone else better than you treat yourself. You berate yourself and call yourself names when you think you’ve made a grave mistake.

If you treated your friends or family the way you treat yourself, they would not want to be with you ever again. Aren’t you worth, kindness? Besides, when you love yourself, others will treat you with respect and love.

Remember, it takes the same amount of energy to decide to be happy or miserable. You are the only person who is in charge of how you feel. You may think others can make you feel one way or another, but they really cannot.

The way you feel, the way you act is up to you. Your life is yours and no one else’s. Be a good person, be who you are, and everything will fall into place.

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