When couples and young families start growing and needing more space, a second-storey extension project often comes to mind. A simple and inexpensive way to build your dream home, DIY should be limited to small tasks and larger construction projects should be left to the professionals to ensure safety and quality. This means you can significantly increase your living space and the number of bedrooms in your home while also increasing its resale value.

Second storey extensions are a good option for many families, and they are less expensive and have better value than you might think. While a second-storey extension is being built, you should be able to continue living in your home and going about your daily activities. While there will be noise, dust, and disruption, it will all be worthwhile once you have that extra space.

Here are some things to think about if you’re thinking about adding a second storey to your house.

Professional Assistance 

When it comes to adding a second storey to your home, experience is everything. A thorough understanding of the planning constraints, building codes, and site conditions is required. Understanding these factors can help you make better decisions about what is possible. As they can draw on the resources of experienced engineers and tradespeople who are well-versed in building extensions to ensure that your upper storey remains intact.

Stay Realistic with Choices

When it comes to our family home, we all have different ideas, and it’s important to be realistic when extending into the roof space. Design consultants will have extensive experience and be able to assist you in developing a structurally sound design as well as achieving the desired look when extending.

Legal Documentations

When adding a ground floor extension or a second-storey addition to your home, the proposed works must comply with all state government and council regulations. This includes being aware of the necessary height restrictions and other setbacks to obtain approval for your project.There may also be landscape, vegetation, or heritage overlays attached to your property’s title, which means that any changes you want to make to your property must be approved by the council. 

If you have these overlays, you will need to go through a formal planning process with the council. Depending on the council’s workload, this could take several months.

Obtain Council Dispensation

If you want to go beyond the usual site setbacks, you may need to obtain a council dispensation. Once the council has given its approval, the building surveyor can issue the building permit. This level of understanding is required to understand the possibilities for your home and whether or not a planning process will be triggered. Your design consultant will be well-versed in these constraints.  Finally, it is the responsibility of the building surveyor to ensure that all regulations are followed before issuing the building permit.

Keep your belongings secure

During the construction process, it is always recommended that valuables be safely stored offsite. Because your home isn’t as secure while it’s being built, it’s best to be cautious and keep your jewellery or that luxury stuff somewhere out of reach.

Construction sites are frequently a target for theft, and materials and equipment can vanish overnight. It is better for the people to stay on-site which could be deterrent for the people working there. 

Therefore the above are the important tips one needs to be careful of when doing a second storey extension. We hope it work wonders for your home! 

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