After looking long and hard to find the perfect daycare for your kids, you might think it is finally time to relax. But no! Not just yet. You may think you have found the haven of all daycares for your kids only to realize later on that it wasn’t. There are a lot of things that daycares intentionally leave out to keep parents out of the loop. There are some things that if you knew, you wouldn’t be so hasty to leave your kids there. Take Daycare Brighton, for example. This daycare offers some of the best services available. However, there are some daycare service providers whom you have to be extra careful when making your judgment and not look into other issues crawling in the dark.

Your child’s daycare is like his/her home away from home. So, everything must be perfect before you up and leave for work. Simple online research just won’t be enough to cut it. You must be more hands-on especially on your first day at the daycare. At first, everything might look okay and in place. All the teachers seem professional; the environment is clean and kid-friendly. The daycare may be throwing all the right vibes. But don’t let that fool you. Many parents have regretted having taken their kids to daycares because of this.

So, check out these few things daycares neglect to share with you when enrolling your kids

  • The teachers aren’t always as qualified as the adverts say

For marketing and promotional purposes, most daycares will want to flaunt that they have some of the best, most professionally experienced teachers on the market. However, in most situations, this is always far from true. Okay, so one or two of the teachers, maybe the ones that you actually get to meet, may be trained and experienced. But that doesn’t mean that the whole lot is. And the chances that all of the teachers are trained is usually quite minimal. Very often, you will find many parents complaining that they found their kids in the hands of untrained teachers.

Many daycares don’t keep the parents of the kids that they care about in the loop about their staffing issues. And that’s where all the problems arise.

  • The facilities aren’t as peanut-free as you were told

Studies reveal that the number of Canadian children that are allergic to peanuts is growing. For this reason, many daycares in the country claim to offer peanut-free services. But wait till you get the rude shock that some may not be living up to this marketing promise.

Safe to say that a daycare facility being peanut-free isn’t the same as the same facility being peanut-proof. Maybe that makes more sense as it is a lot easier to understand. The truth is that many parents who took their kids to daycares that they thought were ‘peanut-free’ might have made a grave mistake. Most of them end up regretting making the decision in the first place as some of these ‘peanut-free’ daycares are flowing with peanuts. Or at least pieces of evidence of there being peanuts in the premises.

  • The TV is on too much

As a parent, you may wonder why your kids are overenthusiastic about heading to the daycare. Well, most of the reason may be because the television in most daycares are usually on more than they are off. This is not a good practice especially with young minds that are just learning even to talk or walk. Cartoons are not bad. But a lot of cartoons are a no-no. Too bad some daycares don’t seem to care.

  • You have no clue how your kids are progressing since your daycare worker doesn’t communicate

The daycare you enroll your child in might have promised to send you daily reports of how your child is progressing. But don’t be surprised if you go for weeks or even months without receiving a single report. Sometimes, even the smallest things such a simple report can cause you a lot of frustrations. Again, most daycares don’t seem to be bothered by this.

  • Your daycare isn’t that much inclusive as you’d hoped

Maybe you are a single parent who is looking for a daycare that teaches your kids to accommodate your single parenthood. But your daycare teaches them to read the so-called traditional family books. Or your child’s skin is dark, but your daycare only has fair-skinned dolls or toys. Some daycares don’t care to look into cultural, racial, or religious family situations. And you can see how that can be a problem.

  • The staff-to-child ratio changes suddenly

You get to the daycare only to find out that the staff-to-child ratio isn’t as the advert said. Or maybe it changes unexpectedly, and you are the last one to know about it. Teachers that handle more kids than necessary cannot possibly be able to take care of all of them appropriately. Here is where injuries and neglect can come in, and your child ends up being injured while in daycare.

  • The food isn’t as nutritious

The adverts probably showed you some nutritional meal contents and balanced diets that your kids will have should they join. But you later find out that this was just a ruse to get you to enroll your kids to the daycare. Some daycares even feed kids processed foods like spaghetti from the cans. If that isn’t poor nutrition especially for kids, then what is?

  • You are promised ‘weather permitting’ time for your kids

You ought to be a little worried if your kids never seem to see the light of day when in daycare. Some daycares come with flimsy excuses from it being too windy, too rainy, or too cold to take the kids out. All these are just petty excuses for not taking the kids out to play. Daycares will promise all kinds of outings only to provide the complete opposite.

  • Harsh disciplinary techniques

If only you were around to see how some daycare workers discipline your kids. You would most likely be murderous. While corporal punishment is extremely rare, verbal abuses, public scolding, and numerous ubiquitous timeouts can make you squeal. Do not trust what you read about disciplinary techniques that many of these daycares advertise. Most of them aren’t true.

  • Your child keeps using the same toys even after outgrowing them

Daycares are meant to mentor your kids into the developing stages of their lives. This is the most crucial time of your kids’ lives. The time they need to learn to count, the letters of the alphabet, how to socialize with others and other forms of exposures. However, all you always see is your kids playing with toys. It’s like that’s the only service you paid for when enrolling your kids.

Final thoughts

Don’t be fooled by all the beautiful, sugar-coated advertisements and promotional contents that daycares put out there to attract you. These are just promotional products to get you to enroll your child. The real stuff is in the actual daycares. Always do your own thorough investigation before you hand your kids over to any daycare. Don’t be the one who subjects your kids to the worst possible daycare experience because of your negligence.

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