As a mom, you’re at the helm of the family, and in their early years at least, your children will likely be influenced by everything you do. This is a lesson many of us learn the hard way when we inadvertently teach our children less-than-favorable phrases or behaviors. But this level of influence can also be a power for good, especially when it comes to teaching our children healthy habits from a young age.

After all, when our kids copy whatever we do, we can send a direct and impactful message about the best ways that they can care for themselves. This can translate to long-lasting positive healthy focuses. And, to ensure it, you simply need to make sure that you’re being the best health role model possible in the following ways. 

Make a show of regular health checks

Regular health checks with everyone from the dentist to the doctor help to keep us in peak health throughout our lives. Unfortunately, a lot of adults skip these regular checks, and kids who notice that may do the same. To avoid this, your children must see you attending regular health checks throughout their childhood. This can be especially beneficial if you book family appointments that can see you all going together, putting your children at ease for now, and giving them first-hand experience of how well you prioritize your health. 

Be proactive with things you want to change

A lot of us have things we would like to change about our bodies, including weight insecurities and even long-standing issues like the need for teeth straightening or dental cleaning. In each instance, many of us make the mistake of doing nothing, and send a clear message to our children that they shouldn’t do anything, either. By instead setting clear exercise routines, making that dental appointment, or whatever else it might be, we prove to our children the power of being proactive where health is concerned. And, by seeing the positive impact of our efforts first-hand, our children are far more likely to put steps in place to address their own health issues in later life. 

Create good habits early

Perhaps the most powerful thing we can do for our children as health role models is to simply help them set good habits early on. This is especially true when it comes to helping our children to embrace healthy foods, as these are eating habits that they’re likely to keep. Equally, things like teaching our young children about the importance, and ultimate benefits of exercise, can see them treating this as just another crucial element of life, like brushing their teeth. Which, incidentally, is another habit that we should be teaching early on. Simply focus on each of these health-based elements, treat them as a normal part of life, and watch your kids grow into healthier, happier adults as a result. 

Being a health role model can feel like a lot of pressure, but get this right, and your children will surely thank you for it.