Maintaining cardiovascular fitness in an urban setting like Metro Manila can pose a unique set of challenges. High levels of air pollution, stifling heat and humidity, the lack of pedestrian-friendly spaces, and notorious traffic congestion can discourage even the most enthusiastic fitness lovers.

Fortunately, when stepping outdoors seems like an unappealing or impractical prospect, you can turn to a wide variety of indoor activities to boost cardiovascular fitness. These exercises can be performed at home or nearby indoor facilities, so city dwellers don’t have to worry much about space constraints.

With all that being said, let’s dive into seven innovative ways you can sustain and even improve your cardio while staying indoors.

Home Workouts

With the advent of the digital age, keeping fit has never been more accessible. Online platforms, notably YouTube, have countless workout videos that cater to a diverse range of fitness preferences, capabilities, and equipment availability. You can access everything from energizing dance fitness and adrenaline-pumping high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to the more gentle yet surprisingly challenging Pilates. These workouts are an excellent tool for cardiovascular improvement, especially because they help you practice proper breathing techniques and are designed to build endurance.

Indoor Sports

For those who prefer a more social form of exercise, indoor sports are an excellent option. The examples are numerous, ranging from basketball to martial arts. For example, you can try out Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) at a jiu jitsu Philippines gym. With the growing interest in the martial art of BJJ, you won’t have any problems looking for schools that offer beginner to advanced classes. BJJ offers a powerful cardio workout while honing your strength, agility, and self-defense skills, making it a rewarding indoor activity to explore.

Resistance Training

While typically associated with strength building, resistance training can be an equally potent tool for boosting cardiovascular fitness. This form of training involves exercises that contract muscles against external resistance and can be tailored to elevate your heart rate significantly. By adjusting your workout’s intensity and reducing rest times, you can turn a simple resistance routine into an intense cardio session. You can achieve this at home using simple equipment like resistance bands and dumbbells, or even your own body weight, making it an ideal solution for indoor exercise.

Yoga and Pilates

Contrary to the common perception that they are low-intensity exercises, both yoga and Pilates can provide substantial cardio benefits. More dynamic forms of these workouts, like power yoga, can give your heart a good exercise. Furthermore, yoga and Pilates offer additional advantages such as improved flexibility, balance, and core strength, contributing to a well-rounded fitness regime. You can practice yoga and Pilates with the aid of online videos or by joining local classes, making them easy to incorporate into your indoor fitness routine.

Circuit Training

A common workout amongst athletes, circuit training is a form of body conditioning that combines high-intensity aerobics and resistance training in a rapid, high-energy routine. The good thing is that circuit training sequences are easy to follow, enabling you to replicate them at home. For instance, a circuit may consist of burpees, jumping jacks, push-ups, and squats. To perform this circuit, do burpees for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, do jumping jacks for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, and so on. Repeat the circuit multiple times for an invigorating workout that will get your heart racing and sweat pouring in no time.

Stair Climbing

If you reside in a high-rise building, you have a fantastic cardio tool right at your doorstep. Indeed, stair climbing offers a vigorous workout, targeting large muscle groups in your legs while accelerating your heart rate. You can diversify your workout by incorporating variations, such as taking two steps at a time, side-stepping, or speed intervals. Just remember that as simple as it is, climbing stairs is actually a high-intensity workout, so make sure to warm up before you start and to cool down after.


If you need a fun and exciting way to stay fit, dancing might be an ideal choice. Simply turning on your favorite tunes and moving to the rhythm in your living room can provide an excellent cardio workout. If you prefer a more structured approach, numerous online platforms offer dance workout videos, ranging from Zumba to hip hop, all designed to get your heart pumping. As a bonus, dancing doesn’t feel like a traditional workout. That’s because it’s so much fun that you won’t even notice how much you’re exercising!

Do note that while these indoor activities can significantly improve your cardio, it’s vital to be mindful of your body and take rest days when necessary. Keep in mind as well that a balanced diet and proper hydration play significant roles in your fitness journey, affecting both your recovery and overall well-being.

With a bit of creativity and determination, the usual hurdles of living in a highly urbanized environment can be successfully overcome. By integrating these indoor exercises into your routine, you’ll be nurturing your cardiovascular health and possibly uncovering a newfound passion along the way. Embrace the journey and enjoy the transformation!