How you look isn’t the most important thing in the world, but there’s no denying that it’s at least somewhat important. After all, it can make a difference to our confidence levels — looking your best is a self-esteem boost that can have far-reaching benefits. You’d be more confident going into any situation if you have a sense that you’re rocking a look that’s you through and through. 

But of course, wanting to look our best and actually doing it are two different things. If you’re looking for some guidance on how to step up your style, then this post is for you. Below, we’ll run through some handy tips that’ll have you looking your best in no time at all.

Shop at Better Stores

It’s just the color and style of the clothes that you wear that influences your look. The quality of the clothing does, too. It’s much more difficult to look your best if you’re wearing low-quality clothing, after all. As such, if you’re looking to improve your appearance, then it’s recommended that you shop at better stores than the ones you currently buy from. You don’t need to break the bank when you’re shopping, you just need to spend slightly more money. This is a good investment on multiple levels since you’ll end up saving money in the long run because higher quality clothing lasts longer than cheap clothes. 

Get Inspired

It’s not easy figuring out your style. Most of us tend to play it pretty safe, almost too safe. If you’re not sure where to start when you want to upgrade your style, then consider following the style of someone else. You can find inspiration for your aesthetic everywhere — from movies, from your friends, from the past, or simply from people you see on the street. See a great shoes/skirt combo? Then copy it! It’ll help to see you on the path towards having your own style. 

A Touch of Bravery

Switching up your style requires a touch of bravery. After all, you’ll be stepping into public with a slightly bolder look than what other people are used to seeing you wear. And that’s OK. For one thing, people care less about what you’re wearing than you think. And second, you’ll likely get compliments for your style. Once you’ve overcome the first hurdle, you’ll be on your way to coming up with more striking aesthetics. As well as your clothing style, you might take a look at a wide selection of tongue piercing jewelry or add a tattoo to your look. Whatever you choose, you’ll find that stepping up helps to boost your confidence even more. 

Play Around

Finally, be sure to just play around with your style. In truth, you can wear whatever you want — there are no rules! Bright colors, vintage pieces, offbeat items and more can all be fun to play with. Not all of your outfits will become all-time classics, but with the right attitude, you’ll find that you have more victories than losses. 

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