No one wants to deal with bed bugs, but unfortunately, they are becoming more common. So if you have an infestation in your home, don’t worry – we’re here to help. This blog post will discuss how long it takes to get rid of bed bugs and what homeowners need to do to speed up the process.

We will also cover the dos and don’ts of bed bug removal so that you can be sure to avoid making any mistakes.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Before we get into how to get rid of bed bugs, let’s first discuss the insect’s physical characteristics. Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are reddish-brown and can range from one to seven millimeters; this equates to about the size of an apple seed.

Bed bugs are attracted to warmth and carbon dioxide, so they are often found in bedding, mattresses, and other areas where people sleep. Technicians can also find these insects in cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and furniture.

How Long Does It Take to Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

The life cycle of a bed bug consists of five stages: egg, nymph, pre-adult, adult, and senior. The entire process – from egg to senior – under favorable conditions, bed bugs can develop in a month and produce three or more generations within a year. The adult stage is when bed bugs can reproduce; a female can lay up to 500 eggs, the size of a grain of sand, in her lifetime. Bed bugs typically survive for three to five months without food.

Bed Bug Removal Key Points To Remember

There are a few things you can do to speed up bedbugs. First, ensure you’ve identified the pest correctly. It’s also essential to clean your home and reduce clutter. Finally, identify the rooms that are affected.

Dos and Don’ts of Bed Bug Removal

Now that we’ve gone over some tips for getting rid of bed bugs let’s discuss some dos and don’ts of bed bug removal.


● Use a stiff brush to scrub cracks and crevices.
● Seal any cracks or gaps with caulk in walls or furniture.
● Vacuum floors, carpets, and upholstered furniture.
● Wash bedding, linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water.


● Don’t use pesticides – they are ineffective and can be dangerous.
● Don’t try to treat bed bugs yourself – it’s best to call a professional.
● Don’t throw away infested furniture or bedding – this will only spread the problem.
● Don’t neglect to clean your home – this will give bed bugs more places to hide.

If These Tips Don’t Work

If the infestation has grown beyond these simple processes, you need to contact a professional. Green Valley Wildlife Solutions specializes in bed bug removal; they have a team of experts who will evaluate the situation and develop a customized plan to combat your bed bug problem.

The team understands how important it is to get rid of bed bugs fast. They also know that everyone’s situation is different and requires various services. Green Valley Wildlife Solutions’ professional exterminators have the necessary tools to cover your bed bug removal needs.

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