Getting clients is critical to the success of your law office. Firms run on having constant client traffic, and one of the first ways to obtain them is through consultation. However, for most attorneys, we find that these consultations go nowhere 60% of the time. Is this because of something we are doing wrong? Could it be possible the person sitting across from you chose a personal injury attorney for their traffic ticket by mistake? There are many reasons that you aren’t converting these people to paying clients, and one of them starts with our marketing.

Targeted marketing is a must—for virtually all businesses. One of the best things you can do is weed out the people who will potentially waste your time and find those quality individuals looking specifically for your services. Let’s set up an example. You are a personal injury attorney. You would like to help a client that has a multi-million dollar medical negligence or wrongful death claim. How do you get that person in the chair across from you? The answer is better marketing.

Stop throwing out generalized keywords for your law firm, like a law firm. It’s time to get specific. The clients that need a personal injury attorney are going to be searching for that. They will type in the search bar a personal injury attorney in (add city). It would help if you appeared anytime this is searched to get the best quality clients out there. They know what they want; you just need to be there and make it simple for them to contact you. Let’s go over a few ways to improve your chances of getting more traffic to your phone lines and into your office.

Curating Content That Works

Content is anything that you share with others on the internet. Preferably though, they should be prospective clients. It is in your best interest to create the best content you can, whether this means including a video representative of what you do for clients, a contact page, or something that gives the user more information about you. This will help The prospective client decide whether or not your law firm is right for them. The more detailed you can be, the better. Aside from what your content says, it also should include keywords that can drive traffic to your site. If you’re not an SEO guru, you may need help from a digital marketing professional.

Website Creation

After you create a website, you’ll need to keep designing it and keeping it modern. There are also many features that you can add. One of the top site features law firms uses page creation. You can make a service page for all the variety of cases you handle. More pages give you a better chance at ranking and getting more prospective clients. When you are more detailed, it helps readers determine whether or not you’re a good fit. Your website should also feature graphics, videos, enhanced responsiveness, and be able to be viewed on mobile devices. After you have these things in place, creating more content is key.

Take Advantage of Resources

You’re intelligent. Use this to your advantage and seek out resources that work for you. One of the best available currently is Legal Podcast. This podcast was started by pro digital marketer and legal marketing veteran Casey Meraz. On the podcast, you’ll find a wealth of information, including how to effectively market your practice.

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