We always want the best for our kids and nowadays, organic is the best choice for my kids. What exactly is “organic”? Well, it takes into account a high level of animal welfare by providing the best conditions to ensure their good health, vitality and resistance to disease and other health problems. Organic cows graze on meadows where they can move around freely and eat lots of clover-rich grass so that they are on a 100% organic diet. Even the soil is important and has to be kept rich and healthy. To produce milk an organic cow needs to have had a calf and then when they’re born they’re fed on natural milk.

The German family-owned company, HiPP has over 120 years of collective experience in organic farming and today is recognized as the World’s No. 1 Organic Baby Food Brand. HiPP Organic is Europe’s Number One Organic Milk Formula and I learned more about this brand and the benefits of going organic at the Organic and Beyond conference.

They introduced HiPP Organic Kindermilk for Three Years Old and Above which is certified organic and free from chemicals that don’t belong in your child.

The Organic and Beyond conference was attended by the beautiful HiPP Mom Celebrity Ambassadors: Nikki Gil-Albert, Andi Guck-Eigenmann, and the newest addition to the group, Pauleen Luna-Sotto. All three HiPP Moms shared their experiences with HiPP Organic Kindermilk and how “Choosing Organic” changed their perspective towards their health and wellness, as well as their families.

Having been certified organic and chemical free there are no synthetic pesticides, artificial hormones/growth hormones, prophylactic use of antibiotics, artificial fertilizers, GMOs, and gluten.

Why has HiPP decided on organic quality for milk formulae?

As shared by Stefan Hipp, “Focusing on babies is a big responsibility. In accordance with our 120 years tradition and our 60 years experience in organic farming, we decided to also use strictly controlled organic milk in milk formulae. Of course this is somewhat more expensive than regular milk. That may put off other manufacturers, but I can assure you: it’s worth it.”

Mommy Andi shares that she has been so dedicated to making sure that she is able to give or teach her children to live a lifestyle that is healthy, simple and authentic. A big part of that for her is to teach her children the ways or benefits of living an organic lifestyle.

With everything going on nowadays, choosing organic seems to be the healthier and logical choice. Invest in your family’s health.

#HiPP120Years #HiPPMoms #LiveFreeFrom #ChooseOrganic #WhateverItTakes

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