No one’s life is perfect. We all tend to be a tiny bit disorganized. Not every deadline has to be met and not every single thing has to be in its place. Still, sometimes you may find yourself in a situation in which everything seems like total and utter chaos. This can slow you down quite a bit, destroy your productivity, and bring your entire life to a halt. I’ve definitely experienced this on more than one occasion. Sometimes, the state stretched for months at a time. I felt stuck and in need of a massive overhaul.

Learn the basics of feng shui to get rid of the chaos

After running in circles for quite a while, I decided to change things up a bit and see if that would give any tangible results. The traditional Chinese practice of feng shui may sound silly to some but I was desperate enough to give anything a try. I made a conscious choice to learn more about this arcane art and put myself through an experiment. I didn’t have much to lose, just a bit of free time that was I going to waste on social media anyway. I learned how the energies swirl and flow through our universe, how the Earth and the flow of water can affect us more than we think. The wise women and men of China always advised their disciples to harmonize themselves with their surrounding environment. I was ready to give this a go.

Decorate your home & let the stagnant energies flow

Perhaps the only segment of your surroundings you have full control of is your home. I made an effort to bring mine back to some semblance of order. Something that looked like the aftermath of a hurricane wasn’t helping my productivity in any way. Experts in feng shui claim that, if your room energy is off, your mind is likely to follow suit and adopt an equally imbalanced attitude. If you make an effort to decorate your home is a harmonious, serene manner, you can re-establish the flow of positive chi and get your life in order. This is exactly what I did. I repositioned my furniture, strategically placed mirrors around the home, and almost immediately felt the energy starting to flow.

Stick to a budget to avoid spending too much

Of course, not everyone will have the financial means to redecorate their entire house. If your life is a state of disarray, chances are your bank account won’t be much better. At least that was the situation I was in until recently. I made an effort to make the best of what I had and simply moved things about until the arrangement made sense. I committed to doing feng shui on a budget and managed to save money in the process. Adding a few inexpensive trinkets helped tie the whole thing together. I also used a couple of free apps that served as my primary sources of proper feng shui practice.

Apps to Create Great Feng Shui in Your Home

Think of it what you will but I have genuinely managed to get my life back on track. Living in a well-balanced, fine-tuned surroundings has helped me regain my focus and become more productive.


Living in a chaotic environment can genuinely affect your psyche. Ancient Chinese spiritual masters believed that, if the energy is prevented from flowing freely, you gradually become less in control. Learning the basics of feng shui could help you regain a grip on your life. Redecorating your home is a great way to allow the creative juices to start flowing again. You can do this on a budget, or even without spending a dime. It’s all about freeing up space and letting the energy assume its natural flow. You will become more efficient and be pleasantly surprised by how fast everything will improve.

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