The time after a car accident can be confusing for the victim. It isn’t always clear if a lawyer might be needed to handle the case. Those who have been in an accident should call an attorney if any of the following happen.

If There are Serious Injuries

If the victim is seriously injured due to the car accident, they should call the best personal injury lawyer as soon as they are able to. The lawyer will do as much as possible to help them with the case and will attempt to get them a sufficient amount of compensation to cover the injuries.

When the Vehicle Damage is Extensive

If the vehicle’s damage is extensive, an attorney may be needed. The insurance companies might not want to pay the full value of the vehicle. The attorney can help ensure the victim is compensated fully for the loss of their vehicle.

When Who is Liable Isn’t Clear

In some car accidents, it’s not clear who was at fault. The victim can contact an attorney quickly for help with this. The attorney will look at all of the evidence to help prove what happened and who is liable for the accident.

When a Claim is Denied

It’s possible for a claim to be denied. When this happens, an attorney is crucial. The attorney will look into why the claim was denied and attempt to gain compensation for their client despite the denial.

When Compensation is Delayed

While the insurance process isn’t slow, it shouldn’t take forever to receive compensation. If it seems to be taking too long, it’s a good idea to talk to an attorney. They can take action before the time limit is up and a lawsuit can no longer be filed.

When Compensation is Too Low

Insurance companies will attempt to pay the lowest amount possible to save money. However, this might not be sufficient for the victim to pay all accident-related expenses. An attorney can review the settlement offer and negotiate a higher settlement.

When the Liable Party Isn’t Insured

It is possible that the liable driver is not insured, even though insurance is required. In this case, an attorney is needed to help the victim obtain compensation. A lawyer should also be called when there is suspicion of insurance fraud, as the victim won’t receive compensation if the liable driver’s insurance is invalid.

If the Accident is Due to a DUI

If the liable party was driving under the influence, the victim may be required to give a statement and may have trouble getting the insurance company to cover the accident. In these cases, it’s always a good idea to have a lawyer. They can ensure the victim is fairly compensated for the accident.

If you’ve been in a car accident, it might be a good idea to speak with a lawyer to find out if you will need their help. If you notice any of the signs above, its a good idea to contact a lawyer right away. They can start working on your case and help you get compensation.

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