The change of seasons has inspired you to change your life, as well. You want to simplify your life and downsize. Things that used to give you joy are now just taking up space and energy. You are ready to get started, but how? What do you do with everything?

Family Heirlooms or Antiques

When you want to modernize your look or simply scale down, your grandmother’s huge oak dining table may need to go. Naturally, you don’t want to part with it, but it no longer fits with your decor. Simply get professional moving and storage Florida to get it and keep it safe until you find another family member that wants it or you decide to sell it. They should be able to wrap it to prevent damage in the move and to keep it safe in storage until you have a plan for it.


When you start letting go, you realize that all those things you collected for years are just not worth hanging on to anymore. Before you call the salvage pickup service, you may want to check to see if your figurines or book collections are worth anything. Though you may not know it, even some of the stored items from your or your child’s youth may be worth a lot of money. Those power ranger or transformer action figures are worth big bucks now.


Like most people, you’ve probably accumulated closets worth of clothes: those special party dresses you’ve only worn once but haven’t been able to part with, the gorgeous stiletto boots that kill your feet but cost a fortune and the multiple sizes of everything. Now is the time to let them go. If you have the time and patience, sites like Poshmark are great options to recoup a little money and feel good that someone else is excited about your stuff.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to sell your items online, some amazing charity organizations could use them. Some provide work-appropriate clothing for men and women who are starting out or starting over and can’t afford professional attire. Others help to supplement clothing for abused families or those who have been displaced by natural disasters. Check for charities in your area to see what they need.


There are many options available to you when you are ready to part with unneeded furnishings. You can put them for sale on an online auction site or hold a garage sale. If you have a lot of furniture, consider an estate sale.

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