After giving birth, it is important for new moms to take care of themselves and not worry about losing weight. After all, they also have someone else to take care of now.

When you are ready, one of the best ways to get back to your old shape after pregnancy is to get on-demand workouts off your computer or access television.

Start with Nutrition

When you are eating for two, you may tend not to worry too much about how much and what you eat. When you begin to feel better after giving birth, you can get into a routine of eating healthy, especially if you are breastfeeding.

Begin by cutting out processed foods. No more cake, cookies, ice cream, and sugary drinks. Switch to more plants like fruits and vegetables. Your waistline and the baby will both feel better from the change in nourishment.

Add Superfoods

Eating healthy can be a struggle at times; however, if you add plenty of Superfoods to your menu, you will find your body bouncing back to whatever is normal for you quicker.

Add lean meats, beans, and chicken to what you are eating. You cannot sustain a healthy body on lettuce alone. Eat yogurt, cheese, and milk, in the non- or low-fat variety will give you all the calcium you need, especially if you are nursing your baby. Trout and salmon are the best Superfoods to include in your weekly menu because they are high in DHA, an Omega-3 fatty acid.

Begin taking a multi-vitamin each day. If you are breastfeeding, you may want to ask your doctor what is a good supplement to take. When you take vitamins, it helps to replenish what you give to the baby. Even if you are not nursing, you will need to keep up your strength and a multi-vitamin will help take care of you.

Don’t Diet

There is no reason to lose weight quickly. Many women carry their “baby weight” into their child’s toddler years. As long as you are healthy, getting enough exercise, rest, and eating well, the numbers on the scale don’t matter.

Eating healthy, not dieting, and exercising for the rest of your life will set a good example for your child, no matter their gender. No child needs to diet but eating healthy is the way to be now and for the rest of their life.


Start with moderate exercise in the beginning. There is no need to train for a marathon or run one, the day after giving birth.

When you are ready, start with a moderate movement plan. If the weather is good, take the baby for a walk in their stroller. You will get the exercise you want and the baby will enjoy the fresh air.

If the weather is not good, strap the baby to you in a carrier and walk around the mall or big shopping centre. Not only will you get exercise, but you will also bond better with your baby so close to you.

Continued exercise will also help with mild depression. Although, if you are feeling depressed and hopeless, if you feel like you have postpartum depression or someone mentions you seem too depressed, please talk to your doctor.


This is another gentle way to ease into exercise after having a baby. There are many different varieties of yoga and the combination of yoga and palates that will help a woman strengthen her core and flatten her stomach.

After a few weeks, once you have built your strength back up, you can begin a more vigorous exercise program. Check out some of the on-demand programs for exercise or join an online class. Many of them are broadcast live and it will help to have a group of people exercising with you from all over the world, but right in your own living room.


Most women will want to get housework done when their baby is napping, however, this is the time for you to rest as well. At least in the first three weeks or so. Having a baby is hard on a woman’s body. Rest is what is best to help your body heal, no matter if you delivered naturally or via cesarean section.

If you need help, ask for it. If you don’t have family nearby, ask friends to come over and take a shift with your baby so you may rest. If nothing else, hire a local responsible teenager to watch the baby after school so you may get in a nap. There is a great strength in asking for help and taking help.

Relax and Go With the Flow

You can plan and organize every detail, but with a new baby, things change. Going with the flow allows you to rebuild your mind and causes less stress.

When you are stressed, you will find it harder to lose belly fat as that is where a woman stores their stress.

Exercise Your Mind

If you like games, find a new and challenging one. This will help you exercise your mind and help you maintain sharpness. New mothers tend to be sleep deprived and when you train your brain with challenging games, you are able to stay more alert, which is what is needed when your baby starts to toddle around.

If you think you may be struggling with post-partum depression or another post-partum mental health issue, click here to take the “quiz on

Make Time for You

Before you became a mom, you had friends, hobbies, and things you liked to do. Begin doing the things you like again as soon as you are able. You need to make time for yourself because you are not only a mom, you are an individual. When you are healthy, you are able to take better care of your baby and your family.

No matter what shape you are in after giving birth, take it easy and slow. Do not go by what celebrities are able to do to get back into shape. The problem with them is that they don’t tell you they have an entire team of expensive trainers and cooks that help them day and night to lose weight.


Safe to say, it’s almost time to scout for the best yoga sets and postpartum belly binder for exercise. From lifestyle changes to dietary adjustments, shedding off some weight postpartum is a whole different experience. Many say that it’s harder than before the pregnancy. When working on a healthier and more fit version of yourself you aren’t just doing it for yourself, but for your baby too. This will help you become more capable of caring for and looking after your child.

Remember that results will always vary from person to person. Prioritize your health when working to get back in shape. With time, effort, and consistency, getting back in shape will surely come, as good health will show from the inside out.

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