When you have just earned your undergraduate degree in psychology, you might start to think about enrolling to get more advanced education. Luckily for you, there are plenty of options to choose from and you can pick the one that suits your interests best. You can pursue fields like the traditional ones in clinical psychology or more recent degrees that have only recently taken off like integral psychology. A masters in psychology in general is a good choice since you will not have to complete a doctorate afterwards to make the most use of it. Thus, it is a good option if you are not yet sure if you want to later pursue a PhD in psychology. After graduating, you will have plenty of career options that you can then choose from.

What you need to know

A masters in psychology is great but, unfortunately, it is not the right choice for every student. Should you show an intention to earn an advanced degree in any of the fields of psychology, such as clinical psychology and integral psychology, there are many things that you should first consider.

It is often observed that rarely does anyone talk about a master’s in psychology. This is somehow baffling considering how many masteral students and graduates there are compared to doctorate students and doctorate degree holders.

Recently, due to the popularity of online courses, master’s degrees in psychology has become much more accessible. After graduating however, it is seen that students will have difficulty finding out exactly how they would take advantage of their newly earned diplomas. If you have just completed your masters, then you essentially have two choices. First, you could further your studies and earn your doctorate if your finances and time can afford you one. Secondly, you can dive right into a career in the field of your choice.

What can you do

Opportunities abound the minute you earn your diploma. But the kinds of options you will have will largely depend on many factors. The main factor might be the job outlook which has shown that it can be quite volatile especially in today’s economic climate. For instance, clinical and internal psychology services are often viewed as expensive endeavors which could deter people from availing of one which in turn can limit the job outlook of a career in psychology. Another important factor to look out for is the geographic location where you intend to practice your craft. The demand for psychologists will be much higher in some areas than in others. This can be easily remedied however by relocating once you have completed your degree.

The career track that will be available for you is a direct result of your choice in field of specialization. For instance, if you choose a degree in integral psychology, you will notice some career opportunities available for you that would otherwise not be available if you pick a degree in experimental psychology or clinical psychology. Inversely, career outlook when you have a degree in experimental psychology or clinical psychology will be in contrast to the outlook you will have when you take up integral psychology. Fields of experimental study will likely end up with you doing research while application oriented degrees will allow you to practice in the field.

What are your options

It is a common misconception that psychology degrees are all the same. However, this cannot be further from the truth. It is known that psychology has an extremely vast scope thus the need to subdivide it into fields of specializations. The variability extends from the courses you will have to take up, the schools of thought you have to master, and finally, the career that you will be practicing. Should you follow through on your decision to enroll in a master’s degree, you should carefully study each of the fields before you decide to spend your hard earned dollar on the degree. You should take into account your personal preference and the viability of a career given the situation you are in. Here are some of the master’s degree options that you can choose to enroll in:

Clinical Psychology – This is probably the more popular form of psychology as it often features in mass media. As the name suggests, these psychologists will be working in a clinic sometimes with the supervision of an experienced licensed psychologists. The job mainly involves practicing psychotherapy depending on the regulations imposed by the state, as well as some counselling.

Experimental Psychology – If your passion is for doing research, you might be best suited as an experimental psychologist. These are the types of psychologists who work on the intellectual front lines whose research, studies and experiments are used to further the field of psychology. As a master’s degree holder in this specialization, you could work in a lab as a research assistant, lab manager and market researcher. This is also a very good starting point if you intend to later pursue a doctorate after graduating.

Applied Psychology – Governments have encouraged prospective students to take up degrees in applied psychology suggesting that it has the strongest career outlook. A degree in this field prepares students to hit the ground running right after graduation. After graduating, you will be prepared for various functions in schools, companies, and government institutions.

Final Word

There are many things that you can do after getting your master’s degree in psychology. However, you should always keep in mind the various limitations presented by the each of the fields of specialization. These limitations may be imposed by the government or simply the limited scope of the specialization that you have chosen. Should you decide to pursue a master’s in psychology, you should try to incorporate the knowledge that you have gained into a way that would be beneficial for your career growth.

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