As a parent, it’s important to ensure your child is getting the proper nutrition for healthy growth and development. A balanced diet with a variety of foods from each food group is essential for providing your child with the vitamins and minerals they need. However, it can be hard to know what foods to include in their diet. Here are seven things that you should make sure to include in your child’s meals and snacks.


Superfoods are one of the most important things to include in your child’s diet. Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds that can help boost overall health. Some common examples of superfoods for kids include blueberries, salmon, kale, quinoa, and avocados.

Ensure that your child gets a daily dose of these nutrient-rich foods by adding them to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For instance, you can get kids daily superfoods powder that can be added to smoothies, oatmeal, or even yogurt. You can also make sure that your child eats a wide variety of superfoods by packing them in their lunchbox or serving them as snacks throughout the day.

Whole Grains

Whole grains provide important nutrients such as fiber, B vitamins, and minerals your child needs for healthy growth and development. Examples include whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and pasta. These are the ideal foods for breakfast. When choosing grains for your child’s diet, look for ones that are 100 percent whole grain or contain at least 5 grams of fiber per serving.

Be sure to include a variety of whole grains in your child’s meals throughout the day. For example, you can serve them whole wheat toast for breakfast, a sandwich on whole grain bread for lunch, and brown rice for dinner. If you have picky eaters, get creative in the kitchen and find ways to incorporate whole grains into their favorite dishes.

Lean Protein

Protein is essential to any diet but especially important for growing kids. Protein helps in the development of muscles, organs, and bones. Lean proteins such as skinless chicken breasts, lean ground beef, and fish are great sources of protein for your child’s diet. Protein-rich foods also help keep your child satisfied after meals, making them less likely to snack on unhealthy choices.

Aim for at least 2 servings of lean protein per day for children ages 4 – 8 and 3 servings for those 9 – 18. Opt for grilled or baked proteins over fried, and encourage your kids to try new proteins such as tofu, eggs, and Greek yogurt. Eating a variety of protein sources can provide children with the essential amino acids they need for optimal growth. Let your child decide what to pair proteins with when serving them.

Milk and Dairy Products or Alternatives

Milk and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese are nutrient-rich foods that provide important minerals like calcium and vitamin D. For those who cannot consume dairy, there are plant-based alternatives available such as soy milk, almond milk, or coconut milk. These plant-based milks are delicious and contain many of the same nutrients as cow’s milk.

Many brands fortify their products with calcium and vitamin D to make them comparable in terms of nutrition. Additionally, check the nutrition label to make sure that you choose a product that fits your dietary needs.

For those who are looking for more protein than plant-based milk offers, try soy yogurt or kefir made from soy, almond, or coconut milk. Both yogurt and kefir contain probiotics which can help support a healthy gut.


Carbs are essential to any balanced diet. Complex carbohydrates such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals that the body needs for energy. Aim to include a variety of complex carbs in your child’s meals throughout the day. This can be done by including cooked quinoa or beans in lunchboxes and serving fresh fruits for snacks.

When it comes to simple carbohydrates such as sugary treats or juice, these should be kept to an occasional treat. Limiting your child’s intake of sugar can help protect their teeth and overall health. If you are going to serve treats, opt for healthier versions with lower added sugars and provide them in moderation. For example, choose plain yogurt with fresh fruit instead of flavored yogurt or whole-grain crackers instead of sugary cookies.

Minerals and Vitamins

Minerals and vitamins play an important role in keeping your child healthy and strong. Many fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins such as vitamins C, E, and A. Whole grains are a great source of B vitamins while nuts and seeds provide important minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium.

In addition to providing your child with a balanced diet, it’s important to make sure they get the specific vitamins and minerals they need. Talk to your pediatrician about any supplements that might be appropriate for your child, depending on their age and individual needs. Supplements are not always necessary but can provide an extra boost of nutrition to ensure your child is getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals.


Water is essential for a healthy diet, and children need to drink plenty of water each day. Encourage your child to drink water throughout the day and make it available whenever possible. If your child isn’t a fan of plain water, try adding slices of citrus or herbs such as mint or rosemary for flavor. You can also offer them sparkling water or flavored infused waters.

Remember that sugary drinks should be avoided as much as possible, even if they are labeled “healthy” or “natural.” These drinks often contain added sugars and other ingredients that can have a negative effect on your child’s health in the long term. For instance, sweetened teas, sodas, and juices are not the best choice for your child.

Providing your child with a balanced diet that includes all the essential vitamins and minerals is important for their long-term health. Aim to provide a variety of nutrient-rich foods that are low in added sugars and saturated fats, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products or alternatives. Additionally, keep sugary drinks to a minimum and make sure your child is drinking plenty of water. By taking these steps, you can help ensure your child has the nutrition for physical growth, energy, and overall health.

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