It is important for children to learn good dental habits early. One of the best ways to prevent dental problems in the future, is to teach children to take care of their teeth when they are very young. 

When should children start brushing? How do you get your kids to brush? When should children first go to the dentist? Here are some dental tips from the experts to help your kids keep their healthy smiles for life. 

Start Early

Good dental care starts before your baby gets their first tooth. Even before that tooth appears, you can run a clean damp washcloth over their gums to wipe away harmful bacteria and get them used to cleaning their teeth. 

Once your baby has a few teeth, brush them with a tiny amount of baby toothpaste (without fluoride) and a baby toothbrush. You want to limit what toothpaste they swallow

Around age 2, when your child has most of their teeth, you can start to floss in between the teeth that are close to touching. You can switch to a fluoride toothpaste, but only use a small amount. You should also get your child used to spitting out the toothpaste instead of swallowing it. 

Get your child to practice brushing their teeth on their own, but supervise closely and help them finish the job. It can be fun to make a game out of it – ‘I’m a pirate looking for gold – oh, I see some behind that back tooth, I better go get it!’

Good dental hygiene is one of the best ways to prevent dental problems down the road, make it fun for your kids with kid friendly toothpaste and a toothbrush with their favourite characters. 

Brush and Floss Everyday

It is recommended that kids get in the habit of brushing their teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and once they have teeth that are close together, to floss daily. 

Children under the age of 8 will need help flossing their teeth. A good habit is to make it part of your bedtime routine. Have your child lie with their head in your lap, while you floss their teeth. 

See Your Dentist Regularly

Dentists recommend that kids first see a dentist around age 2 and every 6-12 months after that. Children’s dentistry available in Oshawa will look for potential problems in your child’s mouth and treat them before they develop. 

Dentists can even do a modified dental exam while your child sits on your lap. These early visits also help your child get used to going to the dentist, so there is less to fear later on. 

Choose Healthy Food and Drinks

A healthy diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and low in sugary foods is as important to your child’s oral health as it is to their overall health. 

Sugary foods like candy, especially sticky gummies, fruit leather or roll-ups can get stuck to your child’s teeth. Over time they can erode the enamel, and cause cavities. Sugary drinks like fruit juices, and pop can also be harmful to tooth enamel. 

Be sure to have your child rinse their mouth, or brush their teeth after eating these sticky sweets. 

Eating a diet of high fiber foods, and foods high in calcium will not only help strengthen their growing bodies, it will strengthen tooth enamel and help grow healthy strong teeth. 

Ask About Dental Sealants

If your child is at risk for cavities, your dentist may recommend applying dental sealants to the back teeth where most cavities are likely to occur. Sealants are a thin wash of resin that offers a protective coating to the teeth and prevents bacteria from settling in hard to reach corners and crevices. 


Fluoride is another very effective treatment for preventing tooth decay. It is a mineral that is found naturally in most water sources and helps strengthen tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay. In some cities there is fluoride in tap water, so it helps protect the entire population. If your water does not have fluoride, or you drink mostly bottled water, your dentist may recommend a special fluoride rinse for your child to help strengthen their enamel. 

Starting early and getting your child in the habit of good dental hygiene and regular checkups will make sure their healthy smile stays for years to come. 

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