The most wonderful time of the year is almost upon us! When the “ber” months come along we start to feel the Christmas spirit as the weather winds down to cooler weather, Christmas songs and holiday decorations wherever you go. Come December we start the activities on our advent calendar and count the days down to the big day.


It’s a festive season for kids with parties and various holiday events. The colder weather though can be a drain as they’re more prone to getting sick. Kids can also be exposed to unhealthy food be it at school and gatherings.

To make sure Jael is geared up for a healthy holiday season I remind him about the food he can safely eat. We’ve had a lengthy discussion about how his stomach reacts to different foods. The best way to teach the importance of this is by watching the Nido 3+ video where the good and bad germs battle it out. It’s fun for the kids yet informative.


Aside from watching what he eats, I make sure Jael plays in safe and clean places. Though I can’t be with him every minute of the day I hope he’s absorbed our hygienic practices at home.  A comforting thought is that he’s healthy and protected with the milk he drinks so letting him get a little dirty isn’t all bad!


It’s hard to keep track of where Jael plays especially when he’s in school. The food he might have eaten and the things he might have touched. Thinking about all of that can stress me out. By drinking his milk twice a day I’m assured he’s protected from within.


Having just turned 6 years old, Jael needs his daily dose of vitamins and CALCI-N to build his bones up while DHA plus ALA, LA, Folic Acid and Taurine is for his brain development. Being his first year of school, he’s not as caught up as his classmates but he’s learning! I’m so happy to see my growing boy happy and healthy because he’s a Laking NIDO, Protektado kid!


A glass of milk daily will help your kids gear up for a healthy holiday. I’d love to hear about your fun and memorable holiday stories!

For more information, visit

* NIDO 3+ is not suitable for infant feeding and is not a breast milk substitute.

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