With so many books available it’s hard to sometimes choose what to let your kids read but a reading list can help you make age appropriate choices. There are various sites that offer reading lists either by grade or age. Pair this up with a reading log and you’re good to go for the whole year. I’ve also included summer reading lists to my recommended sites for the off months.


Here are a few that I’ve chosen that are user-friendly.

Zoo Beans (Under 2 up to 13+)

Scholastic (0-13)

Heart of Wisdom (Classics)

Great Schools (K-5)

Teachers First (100 Best Books for Preschoolers to Young Adults)

Houston Area Independent Schools Library Network (PreK-12)

Children’s Books Online (Pre-Readers to Adult Readers)

Brookline Summer Reading (PreK-12)

2013 Parkway Elementary (PreK-6)

Boston Public Schools (K-12)

California Reading List (K-12)

Education World  (K-8)

DC Public Library (PreK-6)

Summer Reading (Babies to Adults)

Read Aloud America (Infant to Adult)

Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge  (Early Childhood to Year 10)

Association for Library Service to Children (Young Readers to All Ages)

Teachers First (Primary-12)

Good Reads- compiled by member (Beginning Readers)

Amazon (baby to Age 12)