Education is an important aspect of parenting. In everything that we do we are teaching our children something. Early on I was encouraged to introduce progressive learning to my children. The idea is that they learn through unconventional methods incorporating many activities and not just academics. They would learn about Math through cooking or Reading through art activities.

I wanted my children to learn and have fun or else they would burn out before they even reached high school! They were able to go to a progressive school for the first few years then they transferred to a traditional school because we had moved to a new house with no progressive schools nearby. Progressive teaching is still very new to our country but it’s slowly being explored.

The main goal is to instill a want for learning. Today they like school and enjoy their projects. At times, they get tired of it all which I think is normal but overall they enjoy it. I’m proud to say that both my children have been outstanding in their class since they started school.

It’s helped me as well because they take it upon themselves to study and get their assignments done. I used to guide them on each assignment they had but today they only come to me when they have questions or need help.


We were recently offered a chance to try one of the online learning programs called K5 Learning which had reading and math programs for Kindergarten through Grade 5. My daughter was excited to try it and we were given 2 months to explore it.

I thought my daughter would be too tired or even bored to try the program but she was very eager. We started the free trial by having her take an assessment to determine her grade level skills in Math, Reading, and Spelling. She was well within the Grade 5 range except for Geometry which meant that this was what we needed to improve on. With the assessment, K5 was able to tailor the exercises to her capability. They customized the exercises and games for her to do but you can also opt to create your own lesson plan.

She loved to do the Spelling exercises and was challenged by the Math and Reading ones. I left her to her own devices and found that the program was able to instruct her without any help needed from me. She would call me just to show me what she had accomplished. What’s nice about the program is that she immediately saw where she made her mistake which instantly registered and made her remember for next time.

Parents can also check their child’s progress with reports and quiz results provided in the Parent Log-In. You;’ll be able to see how they’re getting along in the program. An optimal opportunity to further guide your children and encourage them through their weak points.

In between exercises the program has games for the kids so they can take a break from answering all those math and reading questions! The programs run at about 45 minutes to an hour but you can stop anytime.

I asked her if she enjoyed it and she did. She said it helped her with her seat work at school and that she was even able to answer a question her teacher had asked before they had even studied that particular lesson.

The K5 program is available at a very reasonable subscription fee. For more information on the program you can check out K5 Learning. It’ll engage your children to learn and you’ll also know what your child is doing on the computer!